Breaking Bread with: Alissa Timoshkina
Cookbook author, mother, Russian food aficionado and podcast presenter, Alissa Timoshkina is an ever-shining star in the UK food industry.
While Spaghetti Head was living in London, she heard whispers on the streets of a woman running an underground supper and film club. The woman garnering notoriety for her incredible film-themed dinners was Alissa Timoshkina, and – having attended a number of these fabulous evenings – Spaghetti Head had the pleasure of getting to know this incredibly knowledgeable, Russian-born cook who later released her wonderful cookbook, Salt & Time. Now, Alissa also broadcasts her popular podcast, MotherFood, to an audience of adoring fans.
Your ultimate comfort dish:
Chicken meatballs in a creamy mushroom sauce with mash, minestrone, or a Thai green curry.
Your least favourite food-related word:
Fat-free and gluten-free.
Your favourite food-related word:
The cook(s) who inspires you most:
There are so many! From Anna Jones and Samin Nosrat to my great-grandmother.
Something you’ll never eat:
Insects (At least I thought so until I’d tried some ants after a few glasses of wine a few years ago!).
What’s for dinner tonight?
Oddly its breakfast burritos! I’ve been dreaming about them all day and thought not to wait till tomorrow’s breakfast!